Pelvic Pain and Psychology

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Pelvic pain is experienced by many people and may be related to genitals or other organs in the pelvic area.

A range of factors influence the experience of pain, and it can affect many areas of people’s life, including the ability to work, socialise, sleep, have sex, and much more.

The pain and associated changes in people’s lives can impact their mood and anxiety. Some people may also have had traumatic experiences leading to their pain and following the onset of their pain.

Pain psychology treatment can specifically target some of the factors that lead to flare ups, as well as help to reduce the intensity and duration of flare ups. It can help you re-engage in activities and increase what you are able to do. This can occur in conjunction with pelvic physiotherapy and pain physiotherapy.

Psychology treatment is also effective in addressing the impact of pain on mood, sleep and relationships. It can also be helpful in addressing trauma you have experienced. 

We are able to provide an assessment and give you further information about the treatment we can offer, to help you make decisions about your health and your treatment. Contact the rooms to discuss how we can help.


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